Growing together, rooted in Christ.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 30th - 6PM-8PM

Check out our youth events calendar!

Our Junior Youth Group (grades 5-8) meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:15 in the school library upstairs. This study helps them grow in their knowledge of the Bible, relate it to everyday life, and have a community of their own.

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Previous Events

Grog Night! (January 2025)

We had over 60 Jr Youth join us for a night of fun, food, and fellowship!

2024 YouthsGiving

5th - 12th grade students filled their bellies, watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, wrote Christmas cards for residents at a nearby nursing home, and played some fun (and messy!) games!

Grog! (Fall 2024)

5th - 8th grade students, church youth, and friends attended a fun event that included a devotion a few games of Grog. We had over 60 youth attend!


5th - 12th grade students, church youth, and friends came together for a day of fun, laughter, and friendly competition! Think kickball ... but with a twist—we took away the ball and replaced it with a rubber chicken and a tennis racket!

Grog + Pizza Night

5th - 12th grade students, church youth, and friends attended a fun event that included dinner, a devotion, and Grog. We had 8 parent volunteers and over 50 youth attend!

Jr + Sr Youth Group Pickleball

Thank you to Bob and Jane Banker for helping teach/coach some new pickleball recruits!